more from Philippa Foot

Single Idea 22381

[catalogued under 22. Metaethics / B. Value / 2. Values / b. Successful function]

Full Idea

Being a good father, or daughter, or friend seems to depend on one's intentions, rather than on such things as cleverness and strength.

Gist of Idea

Being a good father seems to depend on intentions, rather than actual abilities


Philippa Foot (Goodness and Choice [1961], p.138)

Book Reference

Foot,Philippa: 'Virtues and Vices' [Blackwell 1981], p.138

A Reaction

Not sure about that. In wartime a good father might need to be actually brave, and in times of hardship be actually economically successful. 'He meant well, but he was a hopeless father'?